Your Spiritual Ascension Begins with the Heart...

Diamond Heart

In just 3 months, unlock emotional freedom, dissolve self criticism, and align with your Diamond Heart—

a pathway to unconditional love, higher self-expression, and profound inner peace.


Start Today


Learn All The Skills Required to Ascend Emotional Challenges

Diamond Heart - Emotional Ascension is a transformative program designed to help you navigate and heal deep emotional challenges, rediscover your authentic self, and remember your divine multidimensional nature. This course will guide you through releasing emotional blocks, understanding the wisdom of your unique life lessons, and unlocking the energy centers of your heart to embrace self-love, acceptance, and alignment with your true purpose.

Identify Emotional Blocks & Patterns

Understand how emotional discomfort, self-criticism, and feelings of inadequacy arise, and explore the ways in which you may be unconsciously blocking your true self.

Rewire Emotional Patterns

Learn tools and processes from the Higher Dimensional Realms to free yourself from low-vibrational feelings such as guilt, fear, or shame.

Activating the Diamond Heart

Your heart is a multi-faceted and sparkling reflection of the Cosmic Heart Connection. Calibrate your heart to be in harmony with this divine intelligence that is already within you.

Enroll In Course Today


The heart is the pilot of the plane. When your heart is full, your life is full.

In this course, you’ll learn that the answers lie within you. Your fingerprints reveal specific life lessons, and the 10 heart chambers within you hold powerful emotions, waiting to be unlocked. Through guided practices, self-discovery tools, and emotional healing techniques, Diamond Heart - Emotional Ascension helps you activate your heart’s potential, reconnect with your authentic self, and release what no longer serves you. This is the path to emotional freedom, clarity, and the courage to live as your multidimensional self.


cosmic heart

Are you struggling with emotional distress, discomfort, or self-criticism? Many people feel trapped by self-loathing, fear of not being good enough, and the inability to fully express their authentic self.

Instead of addressing these feelings, it’s common to cover them up with unhealthy habits, denial, or trying to “just stay positive.” Diamond Heart - Emotional Ascension addresses these root issues, helping you uncover and release old patterns and empower yourself to live in alignment with who you truly are.

Your Heart Line Shows Your Emotional Flow

You no longer have to guess at what your emotions are doing and how they're affecting you, they're tangibly reflected in your hands in the major line called the heart line. This line tends to be the most wounded one in the hands, showing the need for healing and support. As you heal, your heart line will change.

You Have 10 Heart Chambers Showing Trapped Emotions

In your palm, you have 10 regions that reflect 10 heart chambers, within any of these, your hand may reveal trapped emotions that are ready to be released and transformed. This course includes how to read these emotional influences AND how to transform them so you're no longer stuck in old patterns.

Key Elements of the Course:

Once we uncover the secrets in your hands, including which trapped emotions you're still carrying in your energy field, we use a process called "palm portal healing." This multidimensional process came to me directly from the Higher Dimensional Realms, indicating that each fingerprint is a portal that you can access to release stagnation while activating your deepest desires. 

Channeled Healing Protocols:

This course includes channeled symbols, custom-created healing music and Solfeggio tones, guided meditations, emotional reprogramming techniques, energy cord release, and portal activations, all designed to empower you in a blanket of self love and Cosmic Heart Consciousness. There is no other course quite like this anywhere!

Hand and cosmos
  • Ascension17

    What a great exercise, the self-love activation! This is one I will definitely be returning to again and again. Practicing self love has been a lifelong journey for me. It is. only as I have gotten older that I have learned to be softer and gentler with myself. In turn, it has helped me to be softer and gentler with others.

    J.M. ,

  • Ascension17

    Cynthia’s courses, books and videos have helped me become aligned and in tune in my life. I have much more joy and happiness than I imagined. Thank you for helping me get through a difficult spot and over into the light.

    Sheila Tye ,

  • Ascension17

    Your palm reading validated all of what I was told during my natal chart reading. Plus, you gave me lots more to think about and to journey towards and introduced me to new concepts.

    Natalie ,

  • Ascension17

    I'm already getting some impressive results after doing the Heart Chamber work all week. I've been releasing a lot of anger around men, and last night I had the most incredible healing dream! You are providing such a unique and wonderful service - thank you so much!

    Simone Butler ,

What's Included in the Diamond Heart Course:

  • Recorded Lessons to Guide You Step-by-Step
  • Channeled Invocations
  • Custom-Created Music & Guided Meditations
  • Algorithmic Rejuvenation Attunements
  • Weekly Live Office Hours with Cynthia
  • Sleep Meditations, Transform as You Sleep
  • Clear Your Blocks
  • Solfeggio Heart-Calibration Music

A Channeled Message from the Angelic Realm

The path of love is always open to those who seek it. One must look within and find the Cosmic Heart to feel it more clearly. Humanity is nearly complete with the spell that is upon the heart. You can break through the illusion as you co-create in your dreams.

Hear Directly From My Successful Clients

  • I have exited toxic draining relationships and attracted more harmonious ones with Cynthia’s input and am becoming wiser each step of the way.  I am forever grateful for her soul, friendship, and healing clairvoyance.

    Kyle Piorkowski

    Web Designer

  • I remember what a great year I had when you were there to help me. It was the best year ever. All of your help made that year great for me.


  • I feel so honored and lucky to have met you, learned from you and I consider you a wonderful friend. Thank you for everything you helped me through over these last few months. My life has greatly been improved due to your gifts and skill sets. Blessings to you.


Enroll in the Course Today!

Hi! I’m Cynthia Clark & I'd love to be your Spiritual Mentor.

After going through my own dark night of the soul after my divorce, I ended up getting vertigo for nine months. During this extremely emotional time, I learned how to love myself, forgive myself and truly surrender to the divine. I've been working with hand analysis for nearly 20 years and know the wisdom that lies within. Since moving to Sedona with my second husband, I've been channeling the higher dimensional realms and started receiving transmissions about palm portal healing, a branch of medical astronomy to assist you in accessing your multidimensional self, releasing limitations and aligning with your divine self. This course is the first step on the Diamond Path of Ascension.


Cynthia 2025
Cosmic Heart Reconnections

Bonus #1: Cosmic Heart Reconnection (Value $555)

You will be invited to participate in a 2-Session energetic procedure to open and activate all of your palm portals simultaneously, which connects you to the Cosmic Heart Consciousness and elevates your abilities to manifest your dreams.

Bonus #2: Portals of Abundance, Gateway Level 3-Month Membership (Value $291)

Join us inside the Portals of Abundance membership, where you have access to 5 powerful portals of transformation: health, wealth, love, purpose and ascension. Lessons rotate monthly inside each portal and you may participate in 2 live group sessions:

Cup of Love Group Heart Healing - Access higher states of love and bliss while healing your heart chambers in a safe and supportive group environment

Magical Group Manifesting - Join us with your most important intention and we will focus on making it come true as a group. Attunement replays are available for one month.


Total Value of Bonuses: $846

Portals of Abundance Gateway

Free Yourself from the Emotions of the Past

It's hard to change on your own, or you would have done it already. Some trapped emotions carry over from your ancestral lineage and past lives to be healed in this life. I love reading the hands because they bring in a tangible way for you to see what's going on with your complex emotional system. They are the road map to your soul, your personality and your free will. Why not commit to three months to change your life for the better? Isn't it time to release the pain and trauma of the past? As we move into a higher dimensional realm you need to be ready and this course can get you there.

Enroll in the Diamond Heart: Emotional Ascension Course Today!