Shed your carbon-based third density body, activate your crystalline light body and step onto the Diamond Path of Ascension
Great Awakening Spiritual Ascension Training
for Heart-Centered, Spiritual Seekers!
Once you apply The Diamond Path to your life, you will be on your way to activating your light body, transcending the matrix and living on the New Earth as an Ascended Spiritual Being!
Are you interested in:
- Co-creating heaven on Earth
- Activating your DNA and healing your ancestral line
- Choosing work in soul alignment and joy
- Enhanced creative flow
- Being in higher truth and wisdom
- Raising the Collective Consciousness
- Knowing and living your Purpose in shining perfection
- Neutralizing karma
- Co-Creating with Source
- Becoming ageless in full health
- Having loving, interdependent relationships
You need a mentor to guide you in this time of unknown and profound change.
You're noticing the profound shifts that are happening in our consciousness, the chaos and uncertainty that is still rampant and you know it's GO-TIME. We are ascending, not only as individuals, but as an entire planet. This could be happening as early as 2025 or as late as 2029, according to my spiritual guides.
What that means for you: Enhanced clarity of your divine nature, heightened intuition and knowingness, vibrational upgrades, feeling and becoming ageless, feeling more connected and experiencing daily synchronicities
But only if you know how to activate your crystalline light body!
You're feeling different, you recognize that you need to grow, you feel a sense of urgency that something is happening, you're noticing synchronicities like repeating number patterns, but you're not sure what to do.
You wish for harmony in a world of chaos, you desire to be the best version of yourself that you can be, you're in touch with your spiritual self and you know that you are much more than simply a body living out a single, mortal life.
You're not sure what to do or how to do it, you need a spiritual mentor with decades of experience to help you navigate the lies and "weapons of mass distraction."
The Diamond Path involves polishing and refining the 11 palm portals in your hands to activate your divine perfection and transform into your crystalline light body by following the protocols of the Higher Dimensional Realms.
Here's how my guides describe it:
The Diamond Path, the path of multidimensionality. You are polishing, refining, shining. There are so many parallels with the diamond. To recognize your own perfection as a Divine Being, and to choose the path as a way for the soul to learn and grow. This is the way.
Your refinements shall be accelerating even more as you move into higher frequencies. There is an awakening process of the DNA.
Your fingerprints are the tangible reflection of your personal DNA soul imprint.
Understanding this can assist you in your personal ascension.
As an expert hand analyst for nearly 20 years, I can teach you how to read and work with the "codes" in your hands.
Your fingerprints are also portals to accessing your multidimensionality!
You can think of the Diamond Path like going up a spiral fractal. Each fingerprint holds a portal to accessing your multidimensionality.

We will spend 11 months working with the 11 palm portals in your hands so that you can activate your crystalline light body and become more multidimensional in all areas of your life!
When you master your Portal of Willpower, you let go of fears of success or failure. You begin to work with Source to co-create heaven on Earth.
Heal your ancestral line, discover your E.T. lineage, if you have one and develop a proactive relationship with your spiritual ancestors so that you can develop your natural gifts.
Stop doing things that aren't appropriate for you, your personality or your soul agenda. Confidently choose your life path that is in alignment with your soul and greatest joy.
Develop your creative flow and be proud of your uniqueness, because you have something to show the world that is unique to you.
Enhance your intuitive abilities and listen to the wisdom from the Higher Dimensional Realms. Work with your primary "clair" and know that you have psychic gifts waiting to be activated.
Leave linear age behind for good as you embrace your "agelessness," knowing that as you activate your crystalline light body you can heal from any dis-ease. Attract relationships that are part of your soul family and ascending with you.
Co-create with Source as you connect with your Akashic Archives, or spiritual records, to play with different scenarios and past lives as you joyfully choose your life each day.
Recognize your repetitive patterns and how you chose to balance these during this lifetime. Embrace gratitude and forgiveness as you shed karmic patterns and recognize the lessons you are learning and chose prior to this incarnation.
Discover your Life Purpose, Life School, natural talents and personality archetype to gain a perspective on your divine self so that you can shine in divine perfection.
Raise the Collective Consciousness as you work with quantum entanglement, knowing that we are all One and part of the One. As you raise your vibration, you naturally impact everyone around you in positive ways.
As you become more timeless, your new relationship with time feels more like peace and ease. Remember that changes are happening FOR you, not TO you. Connect to the Cosmic Heart and be in flow, regardless of external circumstances.
The Diamond Path of Ascension
The process of Ascension is the progression of the soul entity incarnated on the Earth playground. The playground of free will means that one may choose to follow love or not. When one chooses not-love, this creates karma which must then be balanced at some point. The intention behind all choices are calculated through the heart chambers. The more one stays in the choices of love, the faster the progression for the individual. This is why we always speak of love for we wish for you to progress, as that is the ultimate journey of the soul.
This program has everything you need (and nothing you don't) to activate your crystalline body!
- Training -- Follow the online training modules
- Community -- Meet other spiritual seekers and participate in live group transformation sessions
- Access - Submit tickets if you have questions, receive ongoing support through the entire process
- Accountability - We care about you and your success! Join our private Facebook Group and share your journey with like-minded spiritual people like you.
What's Included in your 11-Month Journey:

Recorded Training Lessons
Training includes meditations and activation processes so you can release limiting beliefs, trapped emotions and stagnant energy that may be keeping you stuck.

Weekly Office Hours & Mastermind Sessions
Join me live for weekly group sessions, where you can ask questions and we will practice what we learn.

Monthly Group Manifesting Sessions
Choose what's important to you as we immerse ourselves in quantum entanglement to accelerate our learning and manifestations.

Monthly Group Guidance Readings
Get answers to your biggest questions through hand analysis and tarot/oracle cards. Learn from others and stay on top of your decisions.

Monthly Group Palm Portal Healing
Receive supportive healing in a group setting as we work with the palm portals and what is most important for you to make progress in your Ascension path.

Algorithmic Rejuvenation
Using a high-tech spiritual computer program that communicates with your cells using clear quartz crystal rods, receive specific attunements to heal your heart chambers.

Crystal Guides
Discover which crystals work best with each portal by learning how to call in and use the vibration of specific crystals.

Symbols & Sacred Geometry
Combining channeled symbols with specific sacred geometric forms, you can anchor in your intentions as you activate higher dimensional densities.

Solfeggio Portal Meditation Music
Attune each palm portal with custom-created beautiful music that you can meditate to and receive inspiration.
About Cynthia Clark, Spiritual Mentor, Hand Analyst Expert, Channeler, Author, Speaker & Healer
I want to help you achieve ascended living! I have worked with nearly 8,000 people in the last two decades to live more purposefully and consciously. I meditate daily and channel messages from my spirit guides and the higher dimensional realms. I am the author of Stories in Your Hands, Palmistry Tarot and The MOJO of Multidimensional Manifesting. I am passionate about using all my gifts to help others transform their lives. The Diamond Path came together as a prompting from my spirit guides to help spiritual people ascend and activate their highest potential during this critical time of Ascension.
“I'm already getting some impressive results after doing the Heart Chamber work all week. I've been releasing a lot of anger around men, and last night I had the most incredible healing dream! You are providing such a unique and wonderful service - thank you so much!”
Simone Butler
“At some point early last night I suddenly was able to make a dynamic shift. I watched the shift happen. At one point I just got up out of my chair, went into the bathroom, washed my hands, face and neck with cold water, brushed my teeth, and when I got back in the room my energy had shifted dramatically to the positive and I became very creative. I worked on my site and other things until 2:30 in the morning, slept a little, and woke up feeling like I had made a breakthrough. I am feeling much more self-accepting and loving toward myself. Calmer too. ”
“The meditation was much appreciated. It helped me calm my over active mind of the day, as well as left me feeling peaceful for a restorative night’s sleep. Thank you for the blessing that you have been and continue to be in my life. Thank you for sharing and walking the path with me and so many others.”
FREE BONUS #1: (Value $597)
Abundance Alignment Course
My spirit guides told me that there are 8 essential intentions needed to manifest any abundance. This course helps you to anchor these intentions into your energy field.
FREE BONUS #2: (Value $997)
Spiritual Abundance Mastery Course
This course teaches you how to become a master manifester of abundance and miracles. Learn how to set intentions, remove blocks and create in the realm of creation.
Free Bonus #3: (Value $888)
The Reconnection & Cosmic Heart Reconnection
Participate in two powerful energetic procedures. The Reconnection overlays a new meridian system and reconnects you to the axiatonal system that surrounds the planet. The Cosmic Heart Reconnection opens and activates all 10 fingerprint portals simultaneously, assisting you in feeling a much deeper connection to All That Is. Both procedures take 2 sessions each to complete.
Total Value of Bonuses: $2482
Start on the Diamond Path today and: